
Posts Tagged ‘Emily Bronte’

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: Book CoverPrior to reading Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, I had many expectations. I was expecting a love story, along the same line as Pride and Prejudice. I envisioned Heathcliff as a rough and tumble version of Mr. Darcy. If you have read the tragic story of Heathcliff and Catherine, you know I was quite mistaken. I suppose you could call it a love story, but it is a dark depressing one at that. Heathcliff is no Mr. Darcy, and Wuthering Heights is certainly no Pride and Prejudice. I have always viewed Emily Bronte’s most famous novel, as femine and more enjoyable to the opposite sex. Having finished the novel, I find that I was completely off base. I discovered a great, (albeit tragic)  story about love, loss, revenge, and human nature. It is an undeniable classic, and a must read for any bibliophile.

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